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Job schaltenGeorgiana
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Hello! I am an aspiring UGC creator from Europe, based in Germany. Though I may still be a beginner, I am brimming with idea and enthusiasm to create engaging content in collaboration with brands. Being an advocate for skincare, I belive in the power of taking care of our skin. Through my content I aim to share my personal experiences, recommendation and tips on achieving healthy and glowy skin. I know what is like to struggle with acne and other skin issues because I've been through it. Fashion also holds a special place in my journey. From casual everyday outfits to elegent looks, I enjoy exploring fashion as a mean of self-expression. In addition to skincare and fashion, I have a guilty pleasure: nature. Spending time outdoors, exploring breathtaking landscapes brings me immense joy. Until now I have kept these experiences private but I am confident that from now on I can share these healing moments with people.
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