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Job schaltenLaura-Sophie Flory
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My name is Laura-Sophie and I am a UGC and Instagram content creator . I am working as an innovation manager in Nürnberg, Bavaria and beside that, I am active on Instagram with around 37k follower and on TikTok with around 3,7k follower. As a professional in the industry, I understand the importance of making your brand be more iconic in todays marketplace. One effective way to reach out to (new) customers is through professional videos or pictures. So I specialized myself in creating eye-catching UGC videos according to your specific needs. As I am from Germany, I speak fluent German (mother language), but I am also C2 certificated in English. I am familiar to edit and cut videos (and pictures) including adding logos, customizing backgrounds, adding texts or anything else what comes to your mind. In the previous years I already filmed and edited event videos, the same as I now do it for the last years as an Influencer.
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