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Job schaltenLisa Menzel
Plus Mitglied
Bitte schreibe etwas über dich.
Hi! My name is Lisa. I have been a UGC creator for 2 years and I have worked with over 50+ brands in niches such as beauty, fitness, fashion and tech. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends on social media and daily training in order to constantly improve my work, I will communicate your value and your brand voice for your target audience and also achieve your goals and help you to create the perfect social media presence. As a gen z UGC creator, I know exactly what your brand needs so that I can perfectly create engaging, effective, and authentic content.
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Auf Plus UpgradenStelle deinen ersten Job online und erhalte ganz einfach zwischen 50 und 180 Bewerber*innen.
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