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Job schaltenMariia
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Hello 😊, my name is Mariia, I'm Ukrainian, but now I’m leaving in Germany. Influencer with 7+ years of experience in Internet Marketing with global brands, Public Relations and event planning. I'm really good in content creating ☺️. My personal collaborations with global brands in Instagram: Nutella, Raffaello, La Roche-Posay, iDO, H&M, Nesquik, PAYOT, Chloe, Estée Lauder, Nivea, Givenchy, NAN, Oriflame, METRO, Philips, Russel Hobbs, Remington, Eisenberg, VICHY, LEGO, Eveline Cosmetics, Gerber, WITTCHEN, Weleda, Danone, Biosphere Corporation, Libero, Nestle, Guerlain, Shiseido, Domestos, Cif, Clarins, Doppelherz, iHerb, VISA, WELLA and other. So, I will make a good content in a best way that I could 😊.
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