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Job schaltenAmine Bartolo
Plus Mitglied
Bitte schreibe etwas über dich.
As a lifestyle influencer, I strive to inspire and empower my audience with my content. With a passion for all things beautiful and exciting, I showcase my love for motivation, self care and makeup through Instagram. Beyond just aesthetics, I firmly believe in the power of self-improvement and the impact of our physical appearance on self-confidence. That's why self-care is a central theme in my content. My authentic and relatable approach deeply resonates with my followers, making me your ideal collaborator to promote your brand and connect with your target audience. Let's team up and create something truly beautiful together!
- Creator TypeContent Creator
- Follower
- Haustier
- Instrument
- Kategorie
- SpracheEnglisch
- LocationKarlsruhe,
- Alter
- GeschlechtWeiblich
- Homepage
- Instagram Follower
- TikTok Follower
- Youtube Follower
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Stelle deinen ersten Job online und erhalte ganz einfach zwischen 50 und 180 Bewerber*innen.
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