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Job schaltenJoschua Hohenbrink
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Bitte schreibe etwas über dich.
LOCOBIRD celebrates the creative prowess of a full-time audiovisual content creator who has the unique ability to seamlessly blend multiple artistic disciplines and weave compelling stories that work across media. - vocational college: focus on printing and media technology - BA of Fine Arts: focus on Media Art - 4 years of professional experience as an editor and motion designer in a media agency - 6 years of professional experience as a freelance audio-visual content creator. both in front of and behind the camera
- Creator TypeContent Creator
- Follower
- Haustier
- InstrumentGitarre, Klavier
- Kategorie
- SpracheDeutsch
- LocationMünster,
- Alter36-50
- GeschlechtMännlich
- Homepage
- Instagram Follower
- TikTok Follower
- Youtube Follower
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Stelle deinen ersten Job online und erhalte ganz einfach zwischen 50 und 180 Bewerber*innen.
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