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Job schaltenOleksandra Keselman
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My name is Oleksandra, but everyone calls me Sasha. I make content in German and English. I have over 5 years of experience as a content creator, I've partnered with more than 30 brands from diverse industries Together, we've crafted content that not only sparks engagement but also drives sales. Here's the thing: I take a deep dive into your audience's preferences and pain points. How? Well, I draw from my own experiences as a consumer and analyze top-performing ads across various platforms. This helps me understand what clicks with audiences. But here's what truly sets me apart: I don't leap into content creation blindly. Before I even start, I'll present you with several scenarios for your approval. It's all about collaboration and ensuring we're on the same page. So, if you're ready to elevate your content strategy, let's connect! Whether it's scheduling a discovery call, arranging a consultation, or simply bouncing around some ideas, I'm here for you. Let's work together to make some magic happen!
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