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Job schaltenValeria Druzhinina
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Bitte schreibe etwas über dich.
Hello everyone! I'm Lera, I've been into photography for over 10 years and recently made it my profession. I love it when something moves, flies, splashes, etc. in a photo. I spent most of my life in the north, and now I live in the south, so I have year-round access to various natural locations. I'm a fan of creams with SPF, moisturizing hair products and heat protection (by the way, I have great curls) and various skin care cosmetics for sensitive skin. I rarely use decorative cosmetics, but I can draw beautiful eyebrows and eyeliner. I have a 7-year-old child who doesn't mind sometimes showing himself in front of the camera and a husband who supports any undertakings. I love water and can dive deep. If it's cool on the beach and there are several people swimming in the water, then I'm one of them. As a former office worker, I'm responsible and punctual. Let's create together!
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