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Job schaltenPaula Trein
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Bitte schreibe etwas über dich.
Hello, I have just arrived in Germany and am based in Munich, a passionate UGC content creator. In the coming months I will be traveling a lot and taking advantage of this to record a lot of content! As a content creator, I create unique and engaging UGC videos that captivate and inspire audiences. I love telling stories and presenting products or services in an authentic and compelling way. I am committed to establishing myself in the world of UGC content and graphic design and providing my clients with high-quality content that best represents their brands and messages. I am looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Dann upgrade jetzt auf Plus und lade bis zu 5 Fotos hoch
Auf Plus UpgradenStelle deinen ersten Job online und erhalte ganz einfach zwischen 50 und 180 Bewerber*innen.
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