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Job schaltenLara Thiel
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Bitte schreibe etwas über dich.
I work very demure, very mindful 🎀 Hey, I'm Lara and I'll [hopefully] be working with you soon✨ About me: I am 23 years old and have just graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Communication Science & Business Administration🎓 I have been working in Social Media Marketing for two years and have been able to gain a lot of know-how - including lots of Content Creation and Editing in fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Why we should work together: I know a lot about Social Media and love to create aesthetic and authentic Content in German or English. Let's get to know each other and share our ideas!
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Auf Plus UpgradenStelle deinen ersten Job online und erhalte ganz einfach zwischen 50 und 180 Bewerber*innen.
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