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Auf CreatorJobs kannst du Stellenanzeigen schalten, um passende Creator zu finden. Normalerweise bewerben sich 50-250 Creator pro Job. Je detaillierter und attraktiver das Angebot, desto mehr und bessere Bewerber erhältst du.

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Marktplatz entdecken

Filtern nach Eigenschaften: Filtere Creator nach Eigenschaften, um passende Talente zu finden.Speichern oder Kontakt aufnehmen: Speichere interessante Profile oder kontaktiere Creator direkt.

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und Beispielvideos

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Freiheit in der Abwicklung: Du bist in der Abwicklung der Kampagne frei. CreatorJobs stellt lediglich die Verbindung zwischen Brands und Creatorn her. Die Details der Kooperation klärst Du direkt mit der Brand.

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Home & Living / Lifestyle IGC Creator (50 k + Followers only)

Creator Steckbrief

Are you a confident IGC Creator who is passionate about creating engaging and creative content in the topic of home & living and bringing range? You also have excellent editing skills, including the ability to create dynamic edit sequences?

Deine Aufgaben

Liebherr is an internationally active company that, in addition to manufacturing construction machinery, aerospace and transport technology, etc., also specializes in the production of high-quality household appliances. And that's what this job is all about.

Liebherr's household appliance division is known for producing high-quality refrigerators, freezers, wine refrigerators and chest freezers. The products feature modern, elegant designs and are often available in a variety of finishes and colors to integrate well with different kitchen interiors. Liebherr home appliances enjoy a good reputation for quality, durability and performance. They are especially popular with customers who value proper food preservation benefits, food and wine storage.

With this in mind, it's your job,

  • As a "Health & Nutrition" influencer, to authentically convey in your videos how Liebherr's products help you to store food properly and avoid food waste, thus integrating them optimally into your healthy everyday life (-> ideally, the topic of "Health & Nutrition" is also exactly your hobbyhorse, so that you can cover this topic as authentically as possible).
  • report as a "Home & Living / Lifestyle" influencer about the brand Liebherr. Here you should focus strongly on emotions: What do you associate with the Liebherr brand?

For this purpose, you will shoot in a showroom in Ochsenhausen, which will be made available to you for this purpose, so that you have all relevant products as well as the corresponding setting at your disposal. In your videos, you should present the products and their efficiency in an authentic and entertaining, but also informative way. The shooting period will be week 47 (20.11.-24.11.) - so it would be great if you have time during this week when applying to this job.

Anzahl Creator
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Art des Creators
UGC Creator
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Gesuchtes Alter
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Home & Living
  • Budget
  • Creator Follower
  • Anzahl der Videos
  • Video Dauer
    15 - 30 Sekunden
    Keine Angabe
  • Anzahl der Bilder
  • Nutzung
    Keine Angabe
    Socialmediachannels, Werbeanzeigen
  • Nutzungsdauer
    24 Monate
  • Untertitel
  • Reviewrunden
    Keine Angabe
  • Scripterstellung
  • Anzahl der Hooks
    Keine Angabe
  • Format
  • Plattform
    Instagram, Facebook
    Keine Angabe
Erfolgreich Beworben 🎉
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Social Media
Maurice UGC Creator
UGC Creator
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Leah Pfeifer UGC Creator
Leah Pfeifer
UGC Creator
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Randy Morales Content Creator
Randy Morales
Content Creator
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Vanessa Langer UGC Creator
Vanessa Langer
UGC Creator
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Dennis Felber Another option
Dennis Felber
Another option
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Alexia Ege UGC Creator
Alexia Ege
UGC Creator
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Ida Content Creator
Content Creator
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Jessica Rüster Influencer
Jessica Rüster
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Josephine Roy & Jannis Hain UGC Creator
Josephine Roy & Jannis Hain
UGC Creator
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Kimicayla Buliboli UGC Creator
Kimicayla Buliboli
UGC Creator
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Jola Potdor UGC Creator
Jola Potdor
UGC Creator
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Sarah Elghadi UGC Creator
Sarah Elghadi
UGC Creator
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Tabea Wallin Content Creator
Tabea Wallin
Content Creator
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Barbora Ulrich Influencer
Barbora Ulrich
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Claudia Fritzsche UGC Creator
Claudia Fritzsche
UGC Creator
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Nina-Lee Kroner UGC Creator
Nina-Lee Kroner
UGC Creator
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Joana da Silva Macuacua Content Creator
Joana da Silva Macuacua
Content Creator
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Mandy Petersen Content Creator
Mandy Petersen
Content Creator
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Valentina Hintz UGC Creator
Valentina Hintz
UGC Creator
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Melda Cetiner UGC Creator
Melda Cetiner
UGC Creator
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Leyla Nees UGC Creator
Leyla Nees
UGC Creator
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Edona Gözlerikaragil  UGC Creator
Edona Gözlerikaragil
UGC Creator
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Esra Tarim Content Creator
Esra Tarim
Content Creator
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Lisa  UGC Creator
UGC Creator
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Angelique Scholz UGC Creator
Angelique Scholz
UGC Creator
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Paula Zschoke
Paula Zschoke
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Aylin Kaleciklioglu UGC Creator
Aylin Kaleciklioglu
UGC Creator
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Christina Kling Content Creator
Christina Kling
Content Creator
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Caroline Schmid
Caroline Schmid
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Linda Rohde Content Creator
Linda Rohde
Content Creator
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Peggy Toutouni
Peggy Toutouni
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Melanie Wagner UGC Creator
Melanie Wagner
UGC Creator
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Simon Lorinser Content Creator
Simon Lorinser
Content Creator
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Ömür Kilinc Content Creator
Ömür Kilinc
Content Creator
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Donya dardmand  Influencer
Donya dardmand
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Aylin Gürkan Content Creator
Aylin Gürkan
Content Creator
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Lilly Pach Content Creator
Lilly Pach
Content Creator
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Sara djaou UGC Creator
Sara djaou
UGC Creator
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Carolina Tolstik Content Creator
Carolina Tolstik
Content Creator
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Christina Schweitzer Influencer
Christina Schweitzer
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Silke Wolters Influencer
Silke Wolters
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Laura sewerin Sewerin Content Creator
Laura sewerin Sewerin
Content Creator
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Linda Lorei Influencer
Linda Lorei
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Social Media
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Social Media
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